Giraffe Drawing

Follow along with this Free Tutorial of a Giraffe Drawing in Pastel Pencils and Pan Pastels.

The Giraffe we are drawing is eating from a tall tree, their favourite tree to munch on is the Acacia Tree which can be found in the Savanna.

This is another easy drawing for beginners mostly, it shouldn't take you long to do, we have added colour pastels to this drawing.

Giraffe Picture

I was going to draw this just using a white pastel on black paper, then thought I'll do it in colour as I really like it and it will make a change for you.

This tutorial is very easy to do, so it is especially good for beginners.

Don't forget, if you do this drawing, upload it using the form at the bottom of the page, we would love to see it.

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To get the original image, go to Pixabay and type in Giraffe, wade through the images and you will find it.

Giraffe Drawing Materials

Here are the items you will need to draw this project.


  • Black Pastel Matt Paper
  • Masking Tape
  • Drawing Board
  • Pastel Sponges

Pastel Pencils

  • White - 1122 101
  • Blue - 1122 143
  • Brown - 1122 176
  • Orange - 1122 109

Pan Pastels

  • Titanium White
  • Dark Green
  • Light Green
  • Yellow Ochre
  • Burnt Sienna Tint
  • Bright Yellow Green
  • Chrome Ox Green

Step 1 - The Tracing

Giraffe Tracing Step 1

Using white pastel pencil, trace the image onto the black paper.

Don't forget, when you line your tracing up to your paper, to make sure it is in the middle so there is enough room when you have finished the project to add the mount in the frame.

Step 2 - Blue Sky

Blue Sky Step 2

So, in this drawing I will be using Pan Pastels to add the backgrounds, unfortunately, my blue Pan Pastel was packed away, so I used my Pastel Pencil for the blue part of the sky.

Using the blue pastel pencil or pan pastel start applying the sky, just lightly go over the paper a couple of times until you have a good covering.

Don't lean on the white tracing of your drawing or you will smudge it.

Give it a blend.

Step 3 - White Sky

Titanium White Pan Pastel

Start lightly adding Titanium White pastel beneath the blue sky and above the tree line.

It looks messy right now but don't worry about that, it will improve as we go.

At this point we are only adding colour around the left side of the drawing so we don't lean on our work.

Sky Blending Step 3

Using the sponge brush, start lightly blending the white and blue.

Look how the pastel sponge makes the sky look like it has movement, love it.

Step 5 - Start The Tree

Tree Drawing Step 4

Using your sponge, dab dark green on the shape of the tree, then using the lighter green add some highlights.

Left Edge

Let's start adding some pan white down the left edge, blending as we go.

Take the white right down to the blue hills in the background, don't forget to add some white in-between the Giraffe's legs.

Add white up to the edge of the Giraffes' neck and body.

Step 6 - Giraffe & Tree Trunk

Giraffe Edges Step 5

Start filling in the white on the right hand side of the Giraffe and blending as you go.

Fill all the right side in, go around the tree trunk with the white.

Giraffe's Body

Using your dark brown, colour the Giraffe's neck.

Looking back and forth with your drawing and your picture, you can see where the light colours go, along the right side of the Giraffe, add those in and gently blend.

Using the dark brown add some spot marks to the body of the Giraffe.

Tree Trunk

Using dark brown fill in the trunk of the tree and blend. Take your light orange and add some highlights down the centre of the tree.

Remember this is not a detailed drawing, we do not have to get everything spot on, just suggestions will make the drawing good.

Step 7 - Blue Background Hills

Here I have drawn the blue and white pastel far too low as you can see in the drawing on the right, this was on purpose to show you how you can correct your picture easily.

Blue Hills Step 6

Finish adding the blue right across at the correct level.

Giraffe Body Step 7

Bottom Grass Step 8

Using Burnt Sienna Light, add the bottom. 

This is where you can go over the blue and white easily with another colour and it completely hides it.

So, level it up and fill the bottom in, blending as you go.

Blending Bottom Step 9

Using the Orange Pan, add a light layer over the bottom and blend.

That just leaves the tree trunk and the Giraffe legs to finish.

Giraffe Legs Step 10

Fill in the legs using the same colours as the body, darks and light orange.

Do the same for the bottom of the tree, blending as you go.

Tree Trunk Step 11

Take a Break!

Now, leave your drawing, go have a break and get away from it.

When you come back, stand your Giraffe Drawing up on the other side of the room and sit and look at what a good job you have done.

Then you should be able to see little bits and pieces that need adjusting, so let's go do those bits.

Tree Highlights Step 12
Finish Off

I have added some white dots and some light green highlights in the tree.

Also add more light green highlights at the top of the trunk.

That just about finishes our drawing.

Notice: We have left the tail off, well that's ok, we can do whatever we want, it is our drawing right.

If you want to add it, that's fine go ahead.

Congratulations if you have finished your Giraffe Drawing, we hope you enjoyed it.

Please share it with us right here, we would love to see it.

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