Follow along with this Easy Horse Drawing. We will use a white pastel pencil and a black charcoal pencil on black pastel paper.
Horses are fabulous animals with lots of details, but our drawing will not have that many details so it will be ideal for beginners, so let's draw.
Here is the horse, we will be drawing it using white pastel pencil and black paper, with a black charcoal pencil to correct any mistakes we make.
To get your copy of the horse, go to Pixabay and search for:
Black and White Horse
Then download it.
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Here is the Pastel Paper we will be using. The pad is size A3, so we will cut it down into two pieces of 10" x 8", we will only be using one piece of paper for our drawing. In this pad we have 20 pages at 300g/m. The size of the pad is 29.7 x 42cm and the make is Fabriano. |
In our preparation for the easy horse drawing, we will trace around the outline of the horse. We do this so you can easily line the drawing up on the paper, this way it will fit in the mount and the frame perfectly.
Lay the tracing paper over the picture and draw the outline using a white pastel pencil, turn the tracing over and do the same again, turn it again and line it up on your black paper, sticking the two top edges down with your tape.
Go over the drawing again and you can check by lifting the bottom of the tracing paper up, this way you can make sure the lines are transferring to your paper.
When you are happy with the drawing remove the tracing and move on to the next step.
Using your white pastel pencil, holding it on it's side, lightly draw in circles on your black paper.
Then taking your blending tool, holding it on it's side, smooth over the colour until it looks blended.
We will do this on the whole of the background smoothing as we go, don't worry too much about what it looks like at this point.
Keep drawing and blending all the way around the horse down to the bottom.
Remember this is the first layer so it will look messy, but we have many more layers to do and we can improve it as we go.
Notice how we have left the horses mane black for the moment, we will be adding the mane later.
Keep blending all the way down, don't worry about the horse at this stage, we will fix the horse later.
Carry on blending down to the bottom and blend in-between the horses legs.
When you have finished blending the white, it should look similar to this.
Using your blender, go over the horses nose very lightly, this part must not stand out.
Blending The Bottom
Cover the bottom of the drawing with white pastel and blend.
We want the bottom to be darker than the top so only add very light layers until you get the colour you want.
Once you have finished the bottom, blend it upwards slightly over the horses legs so it look like the horse is kicking up dust from the ground.
It looks quite messy at the moment, but it will improve as we go.
Sharpen your white pastel pencil to draw the horses mane.
With your white pastel, add the horses mane with quite strong thin strokes as we need it to stand out from the background.
Add a few strokes on the horses back, we will blend them out later.
Now go over the background with another layer of white pastel.
We are not blending this layer, just leave it as drawn.
With your white pastel pencil come down into the mane very lightly to get rid of the darks.
With your white pastel, add more white strokes to the main and using your black pencil add some small black strokes near the horses neck.
Add some black strokes to show the tail on the inside and outside of the back legs.
Draw using the white pastel inside the middle of the horses legs and in-between the front legs.
Using the black pencil refine the horses body so the white marks do not show as much, also do this on the legs and chest.
Once you have added the final layer of white to the background, use your black pencil to tidy up the horse and refine the edges.
Your drawing should be looking good, so there is just one thing left to do and that is to add your signature.
Now if you are a beginner and have followed along with this easy horse drawing tutorial, this is a great little tip for you.
Once you have finished your drawing, you might think it does not look all that special, but once you put your drawing into a frame, it comes alive and looks great.
I hope you enjoyed following along to our tutorial, we would love to see how your drawing came out, so there is a submit your drawing form below.
You just have to fill it out and add your photos, then your drawing will be uploaded to our site on your very own page (it's FREE!), where your friends and family can comment on it.
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